Be There For Bloomhill – Join The Chrysalis Today!

Come Make History With Us!

Please Share Our Call To Action To Join The Chrysalis This Friday June 19!

With a 1 in 2.4 chance of being diagnosed with cancer by age 80 on the Sunshine Coast, the confronting reality is that you, your loved ones or your friends will be touched by cancer in your lifetime.

Giving Day is on THIS FRIDAY June 19! A day where we can all help raise awareness and much needed funds to ensure FREE cancer care and support is always there for those who need it most!

This year’s Giving Day will be like no other, as we invite you to QUADRUPLE your giving impact by joining our brand NEW monthly giving community #TheChrysalis.

It costs Bloomhill $50 per month to provide FREE cancer care and support for someone in need for an entire year. But this Friday, thanks to an amazing donor couple, can have the same impact for just $40 per month.

How amazing is that!

More information can be found here on the Bloomhill Cancer Care’s website.

A new life size sign will be unveiled on Friday for #TheChrysalis donors to come down and take their photo and if they choose, send a message to Bloomhill’s clients.

Our amazing volunteers will also be servicing up delicious coffee, scones and volunteer-made-with-love jam – so we invite you to come down to enjoy a cuppa in a Covid-Safe way in our beautiful gardens.

About Bloomhill:

Bloomhill Cancer Care is your local cancer care charity, providing integrated cancer care and support to people of all ages and all cancer types for over 22 years.

In the past 8 years Bloomhill has welcomed 7,120 clients at their Wellness Centre – this includes patients, carers, children and bereaved family and friends. Last financial year alone, Bloomhill actively supported 1,224 clients – providing over 11 thousand occasions of nursing, allied health and complementary therapy care.

All of this is made possible thanks to the generosity of people like YOU.

100 per cent of tax-deductible donations received are directed towards supporting services offered at the Bloomhill Wellness Centre in Buderim.

That’s 100 very good reasons to make a donation today!

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Alternatively, contact us using this form.

139/9 Wirraway Street
Alexandra Headland, QLD 4572