The excitement of starting something new is eventually tempered by the reality of day-to-day operations. Even the greatest inspiration and degree of determination still require a well-thought-out and executed plan to increase the potential for long-term success. Regardless of any realities, it’s best to think big when setting up your own business, after all, you […]
I recently surveyed some of the medical centres we manage and asked what they thought made a great medical centre. Answers included IT, great doctors, and the location of the practice. However, most answers stated teamwork. This makes sense as if there isn’t a good team and great communication, then nothing is going to work […]
Keeping yourself buoyant with managing a new or existing practice and introducing quality improvement. Whether you are managing an existing practice, in the process of setting up a new practice or have had a new practice for a few weeks or months, there always seems to be a tendency to become “bogged” down in the […]
I often get asked how we manage so many medical practices with so few staff. There are several factors behind this which includes a systematic approach to all jobs, hands-on information about all practices and ensuring that duties are tackled daily. I must admit I do get considerably nervous when I visit a practice and […]
Setting up a general medical centre can be daunting anyway, and then you have to deal with the acronyms i.e. PRODA, PKI, HPOS, SEED, NASH etc. I swear that my partner thinks I am speaking another language when I am on the phone. So, let us start at the beginning so you know what is […]
Being a Practice Manager in General Practice is challenging, rewarding and frustrating all at the same time. Protocols are consistently changing along with Medicare item numbers and new initiatives which are thrown onto General Practice at the last minute. Don’t get me wrong, it is an exciting profession to be in and you are constantly […]
Risk in general terms exists on a scale of the chance or likelihood that things can and will go wrong. Only when we appreciate the range of possibilities can we take varying measures to inoculate our business from the impact of these events. A risk management process allows those within the business to identify, assess […]
Ask anyone about KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), and you would be sure to find that the feeling most associated with them is dread. Understandably, having our work scrutinised may appear as micro-managed interference. Yet, KPI’s provide a measurable way to demonstrate how effectively a business is achieving key objectives.
The next big thing is coming to healthcare design and that is the introduction of concierge desks to work alongside the main reception space in your clinic. According to Best Upon Request, hospital concierge can help raise satisfaction scores, streamline patient flow, elevate clinical efficacy, and decrease clinician burnout.
A medical centre with optimised practice management has a better chance of having satisfied clients, relaxed staff and focused doctors. Achieving all three may seem unattainable, yet even if one of these areas is focused upon there is sure to be a follow-on effect.