…Consider This Familiar Role Scenario
“I’ve run a virtual team for the past 18 months in the development and launch of (a website.) I am located in Toronto, Canada. The website was designed in Zagreb, Croatia. The software was developed in St. John’s, Newfoundland; Zagreb, Croatia; Delhi, India; and Los Angeles, USA. Most of the communication was via email with periodic discussions via Skype. I had one face-to-face meeting with the team lead for the technology development this past December.”
Managing a medical practice is no different. Your Practice Manager needs to work ON the business not IN the business. You don’t want your Practice Manager involved in daily issues which can be resolved easily by experienced medical administration support staff or practice nurses.
Advantages Of Virtual Practice Management For The Practice, Doctor And Staff
- Roles of the team are clarified. There is more focus on peoples job description
- Cutting edge technology is completely FREE:
– Skype
– Team Viewer
– Conference calls
– Emails
– Remote access to computers to view software, i.e. Pracsoft, Best Practice, Medical Director - Practice Management team can focus on what is important to the practice
- Medical Receptionists/Practice Nurses are allowed to “Do their job” – look after patients
- Mentoring is provided to all support staff
- The team maintain clear goals, performance standards, and communication rules.
Our Virtual Practice Management Workflow
The practice management services outlined in this proposal can be tailored to suit the requirements of your practice and also give you an idea of what we can be ultimately responsible for. During the transition of this model we develop a flow chart for staff so everyone in the practice knows what they are responsible for and what to do if there is a problem. An example can be viewed below.
We can provide all of these duties via Virtual Practice Management and can even monitor how long the patients have been sitting in your waiting room! NJHTC often phone the practices and enquire why the doctor is running late! We can see this happening via remote access using the “Waiting Room” facility in your medical software. This assists the medical receptionists analyse the problem, but also convey information to the patients.
An On-site full time practice manager for a 3-4 FTE GP can cost up to $ 80,000 including Superannuation, WorkCover and Insurance. Our Virtual Practice Management fees are very competitive and all centres are assigned three members of staff to work on your practice.
- Greeting patients Treating patients
- Making appointments
- Dealing with minor patient complaints
- Banking
- Balancing petty cash
- Minor IT issues (printer not working)
- Doctors liaison with patients
Practice Nurse
- Treating patients
- Health Assessments
- Chronic Disease Management and Procedures
- Dressings
- Spiros
Virtual Practice Manager
- Patient complaints
- Ordering supplies (approvals)
- Patient account issues
- Correction of billing errors
- Practice maintenance issues
- Payroll and leave requests
- Staff rostering
- Software & major IT issues
- Supplier invoicing
Virtual Practice Manager
- Software issues
- Medical supplies orders (approvals)
- Payroll and leave requests
- Develop business and financial plan
- Training clinical and management software
- Analysing EPC
- Medicare and DVA exception issues
- Accreditation
- Online practice manual
- HR issues, payroll, staff appraisals
- Monitoring waiting times
- Analysing doctors billing behaviours
- Recruiting doctors and associated contracts/paperwork
- Marketing the practice
- Registering for all health programs
- My Health Record
- PIP, WIP payments
- Fixing patient account problems/ debt collection
- Reconciling daily accounts
- Weekly, monthly, quarterly reports to Doctors
- Budget for reception & medical supplies
- Dealing with mistakes, complaints, patient accounts
- Bookkeeping services
Want To See All Our Services?
…View The Flip Book
Nicky Jardine Health Business Solutions offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure your practice is run smoothly, efficiently and effectively.
For a full list of services provided by Nicky Jardine, please click the image to view the flip book.
Alternatively, click here to download the Setup and Tele-Practice Management Services as a PDF.