Should Doctors have a sales force? Should doctors have a sales force? Hmmm…. The reality is that all doctors have a sales force. They are your frontline staff. Receptionists, nurses, practice managers, anyone who has a direct interface with your patients – whether clinical or non-clinical – is your sales force.
Why Have Doctors On Contract? Nicky Jardine – Health Business Solutions
All, Legal, Practice Finance, Practice Management, Practice SetupWe have expressed, on many occasions, the importance of having doctors on binding written contracts to ensure the continuity of their services to your practice and to protect your goodwill. Contractor or employee? Don’t forget, how hard it was and how much it cost to recruit them!
Legal Structure Of Your Medical Practice – Nicky Jardine
All, Legal, Practice Management, Practice SetupA partnership of trusts is not an uncommon structure for the operation of a medical practice. But are you aware that at law there is a rule against self-dealing? Now consider for a moment the not uncommon structure for the ownership and operation of a medical practice where a company was incorporated (A Co. Pty Ltd)
Nicky Jardine on Hot Docs – Nicky Jardine Health Business Solutions
All, Medical Marketing, Practice ManagementShould Doctors have a sales force? Should doctors have a sales force? Hmmm…. The reality is that all doctors have a sales force. They are your frontline staff. Receptionists, nurses, practice managers, anyone who has a direct interface with your patients – whether clinical or non-clinical – is your sales force.
Should Doctors have a sales force? Like This CJU Article
All, Practice ManagementShould Doctors have a sales force? Should doctors have a sales force? Hmmm…. The reality is that all doctors have a sales force. They are your frontline staff. Receptionists, nurses, practice managers, anyone who has a direct interface with your patients – whether clinical or non-clinical – is your sales force.